Aspen would enforce a 20-cent fee, with the cost subject to change upon the second reading, on single-use disposable paper and plastic bags distributed at the two grocery stores within city limits. The fee would only apply to bags handed out in the checkout lines of the grocery stores and would exempt bags available in the produce department or bags from other retail stores and restaurants in the new jordans city.We’ve worked with the grocers -- Kroger on a national scale, and Clark’s Market is our other grocer in the valley -- and we’ve had numerous meetings with them,” Cantrell said. “They’ve been involved with writing the ordinance.
Two members of Aspen’s City Council are in favor of an outright ban, not a f
“If Aspen wants to live up to its assumed goals of being an environmental leader, I don’t think the tax is the way to go, and we should b Lebron Shoes
e discussing the ban,” Councilmember Adam Frisch said. “I think the bags are horrible for the environment.
The Basalt City Council heard from residents during an Aug. 23 public hearing and first reading of a proposed grocery bag fee. The council voted 5-1 in favor of the measure, and a specific amount will be debated during a second reading later this month. Carbondale’s trustees will look at the issue on Sept. 13
The proposed ordinances for the towns will return some of the revenue to the grocers. The towns’ share will be put back into bag education and other efforts to reduce waste
The towns plan to provide reusable bags to residents and visitors, organize community cleanup days and create a website that shares information about waste reduction
The fees collected through
nike shox A spen’s ordinance will constitute fixed into the Waste Reduction Account and will only if follow used for waste-related community designs, according to the urban center. The account will roll over from year to twelvemonth and will not carry-over to the ecumenical investment firm, the ordinance avers.